Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Psychological causes of Impotence

Psychological factors are responsible for 20% – 25% of all cases of impotence. Some of the common psychological of erectile dysfunction causes are stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems or low self esteem.

  • Stress: Lot of stress can be damaging to your health. It may also have negative impact on your sexual life. In most cases once the stress has been reduced, full sexual function returns. Stress can be money related, job related or relationship problems.
  • Depression: Depression is one of the most common causes of impotence. Depression can reduce your sexual desire. Drugs used to treat depression may also cause impotence.
  • Anxiety: Once a man experiences erectile dysfunction, he may become worried that the sexual problem will occur again. This can result into performance anxiety.
  • Smoking and excess consumption of alcohol are frequently stated as contributory factors in the impotence.

Almost all men experience impotence at one time or another. Psychological causes are more common in younger men. For men whose erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factor, therapy may be needed.