There are number of generic treatment available for sale on internet. The companies that produce and supply these potentially dangerous versions of drugs are unregulated and operated outside the scope of the law. It is difficult for a man on the street to understand how pharmaceutical law works but for everyone’s safety it is important that consumers understand the difference between the generic and genuine medication.
Positive consequences of Generic drugs
- Provides cheaper treatment to many millions of people who other are unable to afford them. Generic usually cost one eight of the original.
- There are chances that there wouldn’t be any difference between the ingredients and working of generic and genuine version of some medication. This may save lot of money
Negative consequences of Generic drugs
- Difference in bioavailability or intra subject can result into overdose.
- As generic drugs does not need any consultation, consumed without medical supervision can be hazardous.
- If buying online, it is likely that your email details will be sold to spammers and worse case can be your cards detail may also be at risk. It is illegal for any western- based company to supply generics.
- Companies that produce generic drugs are a cost cutter that is why there is likelihood that you may receive pills with less active ingredients. Moreover there is also a possibility that different untested additives have been added and could be very harmful. It is certain that these drugs never pass through pharmaceutical standards.
Considering all the different versions of generic medication available in the market and online, there is a possibility that the treatments do not work or may even be dangerous to one’s health. So it is always recommended to go for genuine drugs with prescription.