Cialis, Viagra and Levitra are the only three FDA approved prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment. All the three work in the same manner by allowing blood flow into the penis so that it will become firm enough for penetration. So what exactly differentiates the ED products from the other? Each one is unique with time they take to work, side effects and till what time their effect lasts.
When these drugs were introduced first people were just happy that there is a treatment for erectile dysfunction, time to show effect, side effects didn’t matter. But now people have started expecting more from ED pills. People don’t want to have diet limitations. They want to enjoy drinks and dinner before having sex. They also want spontaneity. Viagra does not allow these things. Person cannot have alcohol and dinner before becoming romantic. It also takes 30 minutes to one hour to show its effects, and lasts only for about four hours. Cialis has solved these problems. Cialis is not affected by drinks and dinner. It also offers erection for 36 hours. That’s why it is also called weekender pill. These are the main reasons why Cialis is considered better than Viagra and is now number one choice for many men.